Early work on high-throughput calculations for materials science:

“ELSA - Materials science of the future? ”,
M. Klintenberg.
Submitted to Nature Materials 11 October 2004.

Berkeley Lab Currents (2003)
Lab Scientist Wins Prestigious Gustafsson Prize

Dagens Nyheter, söndag 17/8 2003
Svensk fysiker får antiterrorpengar

"Potential new scintillators identified by electronic structure calculations",
M. Klintenberg, S. E. Derenzo and M. J. Weber.
Nucl. Inst. Meth. A486, 298-302 (2002)

“A systematic search for new scintillators using electronic structure calculations”,
M. Klintenberg, S. E. Derenzo, and M. J. Weber.
Nanotech 2002 Vol. 2, Technical Proceedings of the 2002 International Conference on Computational Nanoscience and Nanotechnology.

"Data mining and accelerated electronic structure theory as a tool in the search for new functional materials",
C. Ortiz, O. Eriksson and M. Klintenberg.
Comput. Mater. Sci. 44, 1042-1049 (2009).

"The search for strong topological insulators",
M. Klintenberg.
arXiv:1007.4338v1 (2010)